4 Steps to Surviving the Sucky Feeling of Being Left Out

Buddhism, Friendship, Jealousy, Rants & Raves, Women
        You tend to turn very cold and feel a little nauseous. Your heart beats rapidly and your mind starts racing. A black cloud of anger and panic immediately looms over your head and your heart. Yes, these are the lovely symptoms most people experience after being left out. It does not matter how old you are or how much money you have. Every one will feel left out at some point in their lives and the feeling sucks just as bad if you are 11, 35 or 64 years old. As my mother always says: “I hate to tell ya Chicken (my nickname—go ahead and laugh), but the hurt doesn’t go away as you get older.…
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11 Things To Do When You’re Sick Of Feeling Heartbroken

Buddhism, Reality Television, Relationships , , , , ,
1) Get deep into a dramatic TV series on DVD. I’m talking The Wire, Dexter, Homicide etc. You need to have intense characters to bond with and twisting plots to gasp at. Pick something with three seasons or longer depending on how lonely you are. 2) Crosswords. They are time consuming and you look smart doing them at Starbucks. Extra points if you subscribe to a newspaper to get your crosswords since this gives you a little something to look forward to every morning. 3) Knitting. I know. Nerd Alert. But the skill is very easy to pick up and it is very meditative. The accomplishment of creating something, even a knotted scarf will give you a boost of self…
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