The Betty Draper Experiment

Beauty, betty draper, Career, don draper, january jones, jon hamm, mad men, Tory Shulman News, Women , , , , ,
Went home for a quick visit to DC to celebrate my Grandma's 95th birthday party. She is the wild one in the family and I seem to share more traits with her than most-but sadly she has lost a bit of a grip on reality. Thankfully though, not her sense of humor. When asked how old she was--she proudly responded "12" and spit her tongue out at me when I tried to take away her Bourbon and soda. To keep myself occupied, I brought along Season 1 and Season 2 of Mad Men which I had never seen. I quickly became a fan of the show and my love for Don Draper aka Jon Hamm came on strong and sudden,…
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