The Bermuda Triangle of Concealer

Beauty, Tory Shulman News , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
"I AM NOT A CLOWN" MONDAY I spend a lot of time thinking and contemplating make-up concealers. (note: I know this makes me sound like a huge asshole) But it's because the art of applying good concealer is actually similar to an artistic technique that has always fascinated me: "Tromp L'oeil" otherwise known without the sassy French accent as Trick of the Eye. "Trompe-l'œil is an art technique that uses realistic imagery to create the optical illusion that depicted objects exist in three dimensions. Forced perspective is a comparable illusion in architecture." (Just FYI I am citing Wikipedia here UNLIKE someone we know...I'm looking at you Rand Paul) Below is a terrifying example of Tromp L'Oeil. Why is his face…
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Feeling Exposed while in the Nude–This One is for Jessica Simpson

Beauty, Funny Stuff, Tory Shulman News , ,
Could I do it? Could I be that girl? The kind of girl who wears 5 inch nude high heel shoes from The Jessica Simpson Collection? The short answer is yes. Oh yes. They are so hot and so perfect and so cheap. But this was, of course, after the whole fiasco. The other day, I decide that I am going to do a little personal shopping. This is quite rare since I have many anxieties some of which include: being afraid of driving, being afraid of malls, being afraid of driving to malls, being afraid of entering mall parking lots and mostly, being afraid of exiting mall parking lots, so you can see where I had my doubts. But…
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