Tory’s Top Three Rewatchable Movies

Film, Funny Stuff, Movies, Tory Shulman News , ,
Gas prices are up. Traffic in LA is up. Movie theater prices are up. So I stay down. And when I say down, I mean down on my tush on my couch. When I am on said couch, I like to watch my DVRed shows and Sports Center and, if I have a couple of hours and a couple of packets of Orville Redenbacher Kettlecorn popcorn, I’ll catch a movie airing on the tube. But lately, the choices...hmm…not so much. I mean, honestly, if I see Mrs. Doubtfire on Oxygen one more time I’m gonna set my own boobs on fire. Tory’s Top Five Rewatchable Movies 1) "The Fifth Element" No doubt Mila Jovavich’s fiery orange hair and semi-nude fight…
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Top 5 Movies You Should NEVER Show Your Kids (That You Think You Should)

Film, Movies, Parents, Rants & Raves, Tory Shulman News , , ,
One night in my early childhood my parents went out to dinner and left me, my older sister, and her friend in the hands of Evelyn, our dear Grandma. The night was uneventful until we all plopped down onto the ol' orange and brown den couch and popped in a Disney video none of us had seen. My sister had chosen it from the local video store. The movie: "Watcher in the Woods." 1) "Watcher in the Woods" To be honest, I don't even want to write about this movie since it means I have to dig deep into traumatic memories. The plot revolves around this girl Karen. Long ago, Karen, a fair-hared teen, was playing Blind Man's Bluff with…
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Tory’s Top Three Cinematic Real Estate Fantasies

Film, Rants & Raves, Tory Shulman News , , , , , , , , , , , ,
I love my teeny tiny apartment. It has AC and a washer dryer and we all know those two things equal heaven on earth. However, I have to admit, I have had bouts of cabin fever. When the overwhelming urge to spread out overtakes me, I take a scenic driving tour of the mansions and mini castles of Beverly Hills, 90210. What would it feel like to put my car in park in this sprawling driveway and walk up the double-winding staircase to my chandeliered bedroom? How would it feel to be in charge of actual yard landscaping and not just three tulip bulbs and a mini indoor lemon tree? And maybe it was the "HOLLYWOOD" sign glimmering in my…
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The Obviously Guilty

Funny Stuff, Rants & Raves, Reality Television , , ,
So she's obviously guilty right? I mean, even if I didn't know about her incriminating google searches, which included such harmless words as 'chloroform' and 'manual neck-breaking' the woman looks guilty as sin. Those starched, button downs she wears in different shades of Easter pastels are not helping. Her hair looks old, pulled back tight and up in the "Rachel Green clip" that was so popular in 1993. And those eyes, those two black coals always register a strange detached emotion. Could it be.? Yes. It is. It's boredom. I haven't been an avid follower. I caught snippets in the news and occasionally folded my laundry with the HLN channel in the background which ran trial coverage 24/7. I never…
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11 Things To Do When You’re Sick Of Feeling Heartbroken

Buddhism, Reality Television, Relationships , , , , ,
1) Get deep into a dramatic TV series on DVD. I’m talking The Wire, Dexter, Homicide etc. You need to have intense characters to bond with and twisting plots to gasp at. Pick something with three seasons or longer depending on how lonely you are. 2) Crosswords. They are time consuming and you look smart doing them at Starbucks. Extra points if you subscribe to a newspaper to get your crosswords since this gives you a little something to look forward to every morning. 3) Knitting. I know. Nerd Alert. But the skill is very easy to pick up and it is very meditative. The accomplishment of creating something, even a knotted scarf will give you a boost of self…
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You have exactly 90 seconds

Tory Shulman News , , , , ,
“I define responsibility as the ability to choose how we respond to stimulation…Although there are certain limbic system programs that can be triggered automatically, it takes less than 90 SECONDS for one of these programs to be triggered, surge through our body, and then be completely flushed out of our blood stream…If, however, I remain angry after those 90 seconds have passed then it is because I have chosen to let that circuit continue to run.” —-“My Stroke of Insight” by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor. If you didn’t know, Dr. Jill Taylor is a one of the top brain anatomists in the country. In 1996 she famously suffered a severe stroke at the young age of 37 leaving her temporarily,…
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When should I wave this thing?

Tory Shulman News , , ,
“After rejection number forty. I started lying to my friends about what I did on the weekend….By rejection number fifty-five, I was truly neurotic. In the end, I received sixty rejections for the book “The Help.” Letter number sixty-one was the one that accepted me. After my five years of writing and three and half years of rejection, an agent named Susan Ramer took pity on me. What if I had given up at fifteen? Or forty? Or even sixty? Three weeks later Susan sold “The Help” to Amy Einhorn Books. ” — Kathryn Stockett- Bestselling author of “The Help” now being adapted into a Major Motion Picture. Let’s just say I’ve been to a lot of “generals.” In the…
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