
9 Tattoos I Dig and Why

Tory Shulman News , , , , , , ,
  Since I began training in Buddhism, I've wanted to get this tattoo. Well, actually it's two tattoos. I've wanted the word "Slow" written on one foot and the word "Down" written on the other. Every time I looked at my feet, I would be reminded of this valuable lesson. Ya see, I tend to move fast--like Star Trek Warp Speed fast and moving too fast has caused me to make many mistakes. I believe wholeheartedly in the adage: "There is more to life than increasing it's speed." I haven't gotten the tat since I think my mom and boyfriend would kill me and I am chicken shit and think it would hurt like hell on the feet. But, in…
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Friendship, Funny Stuff, Parents, Tory Shulman News , , ,
              LOCALLY SALVAGED MAPLE BOOKENDS for THE LITERARY DAD---$75.00 Polish your dad's book collection with these handsome bookends. Made from locally salvaged Maple, these beauts can be used both horizontally and vertically for taller books. Clear coated then hand rubbed with lemon oil/beeswax finish. C'mon, let him feel feel like Ron Burgandy on his big day:  "I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany." Website: Facebook:                               MEN'S CUSTOM STAMPED LEATHER CUFF BRACELET for THE STYLISH DAD---$152.00 Have something to say to your man? Have it custom hammered onto…
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4 Steps to Surviving the Sucky Feeling of Being Left Out

Buddhism, Friendship, Jealousy, Rants & Raves, Women
        You tend to turn very cold and feel a little nauseous. Your heart beats rapidly and your mind starts racing. A black cloud of anger and panic immediately looms over your head and your heart. Yes, these are the lovely symptoms most people experience after being left out. It does not matter how old you are or how much money you have. Every one will feel left out at some point in their lives and the feeling sucks just as bad if you are 11, 35 or 64 years old. As my mother always says: “I hate to tell ya Chicken (my nickname—go ahead and laugh), but the hurt doesn’t go away as you get older.…
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Some Straight Up Solid Advice

Tory Shulman News
  "Ego is like a room of your own, a room with a view, with the temperature and the smells that you like the most. You want it your own way. You’d just like to have a little peace; you’d like to have a little happiness, you know, just ‘Gimme a break!’ The more you try to get life to come out so that it will always suit you, the more your fear of other people and what’s outside the room grows. Rather than becoming more relaxed, you start pulling down the shades and locking the door. When you do go out, you find the experience unsettling and disagreeable. You become touchier, more fearful, more irritable than ever. The more…
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Feeling Exposed while in the Nude–This One is for Jessica Simpson

Beauty, Funny Stuff, Tory Shulman News , ,
Could I do it? Could I be that girl? The kind of girl who wears 5 inch nude high heel shoes from The Jessica Simpson Collection? The short answer is yes. Oh yes. They are so hot and so perfect and so cheap. But this was, of course, after the whole fiasco. The other day, I decide that I am going to do a little personal shopping. This is quite rare since I have many anxieties some of which include: being afraid of driving, being afraid of malls, being afraid of driving to malls, being afraid of entering mall parking lots and mostly, being afraid of exiting mall parking lots, so you can see where I had my doubts. But…
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The Betty Draper Experiment

Beauty, betty draper, Career, don draper, january jones, jon hamm, mad men, Tory Shulman News, Women , , , , ,
Went home for a quick visit to DC to celebrate my Grandma's 95th birthday party. She is the wild one in the family and I seem to share more traits with her than most-but sadly she has lost a bit of a grip on reality. Thankfully though, not her sense of humor. When asked how old she was--she proudly responded "12" and spit her tongue out at me when I tried to take away her Bourbon and soda. To keep myself occupied, I brought along Season 1 and Season 2 of Mad Men which I had never seen. I quickly became a fan of the show and my love for Don Draper aka Jon Hamm came on strong and sudden,…
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t’s Top 10 Virtues of Being Patient to Make Herself Feel Better While She Waits to be Discovered

Funny Stuff, Jobs, Tory Shulman News, Unemployment , ,
So as all of you know I took the crack pipe road less traveled by and decided to become an actress with hopes of fame and fortune one day. So far I have been extremely lucky but I have yet to hit the Jackpot so to speak. Thus I am constantly at war. Not with my agent or manager. No. One with patience. I am forced to be patient. I have no choice but to be patient. And I shall openly confess here and now that Victoria Rachel Shulman has never been very good at being patient. Tory's Top 10 Virtues of Patience to Make Herself Feel Better While She Waits to Be Discovered 1) Patience can lower your blood…
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Tory’s To-Do List for Unemployment

Funny Stuff, Rants & Raves, Tory Shulman News, Unemployment , ,
Hey guys. Just wanted to give you all a heads up that my MSN web series "HerSay" has come to an end. Ironically, the job ended right before Labor Day which turned out to be more of a Lack-of-Labor Day for me---and most of the rest of America I'm sure. Now to make sure I didn't just sit on the couch depressed and watch Dog Whisperer marathons, I decided to set some "unemployment golden rules." See below. TORY'S T0-DO LIST FOR UNEMPLOYMENT 1. Don't spend all my money 2. Try anything and all things to make money. This might include a Starbucks barista job or working at a local marijuana dispensary. Both have good benefits 3. Cancel expensive private trainer…
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Top 3 Movies to Watch During the Financial Crisis

Film, Funny Stuff, Movies, Tory Shulman News
Money woes here. Money woes there. Money woes everywhere. London is on fire due to rioting by an unruly youth that has no job prospects and the US has a credit rating the same as a Motel 6. These days even a green dollar seems blue. Hence I give you: Tory's Top Three Movies to Watch During the Financial Crisis. 1) BOILER ROOM A skinny Giovanni Ribisi drops out of college only to become a fast-paced broker for a booming suburban investment firm. His colleagues form a frat group of hot men filled with adrenaline, high tech toys and too much money including a young Ben Affleck and Vin Diesel before he became fast and furious. These guys are slick…
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Top 3 Movies to Have in Your First Date Arsenal

Film, Funny Stuff, Movies, Rants & Raves, Reality Television , , , ,
Let's be honest. These days you can go for months without having to speak to another human being. Technology has helped make things faster and easier however, it has completely depleted our social intelligence. I can no longer hold conversations more than three minutes long. I get bored in commercials and have to change the channel. I want to skip to the next song when I am listening to the radio. So I know how flipping awkward it is to go on a first date these days when all you really want to be doing is Facebook stalking or scrolling on Tumblr. What do you say to the person? What if they don't laugh or respond in the correct way?…
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