Top Three Make-Up Brush Hacks
Tory Shulman News beauty, brush, brushes, concealer, contour, cosmetics, elf cosmetics, eye crease, eye liner, eye shadow, hacks, life hacks, make up, maskcara, observatory, shadow, simple, smudger, tools, tory shulman
1) The Concealer Brush This one is usually pretty stiff (that's what she said) and I find it doesn't really blend in concealer as much as just spackles it on like I''m putting on caulk. Caulk! Such a funny word. So I found it's easier to use a softer bristle brush for blending concealer and use this brush for...wait for it...powdering! So check it out: I use concealer and blend using the soft brush on my under eye circles. And then I dip this stiffer brush into my finishing powder and tap tap tap until my concealer is essentially sealed in. This keeps this area smudge proof so you don't end up looking like an exhausted raccoon…