Tory’s To-Do List for Unemployment

Hey guys. Just wanted to give you all a heads up that my MSN web series “HerSay” has come to an end. Ironically, the job ended right before Labor Day which turned out to be more of a Lack-of-Labor Day for me—and most of the rest of America I’m sure. Now to make sure I didn’t just sit on the couch depressed and watch Dog Whisperer marathons, I decided to set some “unemployment golden rules.” See below.


1. Don’t spend all my money

2. Try anything and all things to make money. This might include a Starbucks barista job or working at a local marijuana dispensary. Both have good benefits

3. Cancel expensive private trainer at the gym

4. Keep in shape by walking dogs at slightly higher pace.

5. Everyday try to accomplish one scary thing, even if that scary thing is just going to Target all by myself. (C’mon, that’s a fucking overwhelming store.)

6. Make the bed every morning

7. Get out of bed every morning

8. Be mindful

9. Drink more water

10. Try to invent something clever and useful

11. Play the lottery

12. Stay in my Acting class

13. Stay in my Improv class

14. Stay involved in Casting Workshops

15. Ask parents politely to see if they would like to sponsor their daughter’s education by paying for all the above.

16. Have the brakes checked on my car

17. Get back in touch with camp friends

18. Start an Etsy store and sell homemade knitted dog sweaters

19. Have faith in myself as an artist

20. Find out how much I can make recycling bottles

Alright you guys, I would love to hear from you about your favorite “unemployment tips.” Comment AWAY!!!!


  • Dick Beck

    I am familiar with unemployment to an embarrassing degree. You can write sketch with me if you want, it doesn’t pay anything but at least I feel artistic. Are you near the end of your 301 now or what? KEEP ME POSTED WTFM8!

  • Gustavo

    21. Finally get around to giving that Nigerian prince my bank account information so he can transfer that $47,000,000 he says he owes me…

  • Jerry

    Sorry about the show,but there is always a light at the end. This is just a bump to something better. You have a tremendous talent and a great resume. I can’t wait to see what’s next for you. Keep the faith and be strong. And we will see you soon on the screen big or small. Be good

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